Dining etiquette is a form of non-verbal communication. Many firms will take you out to lunch, dinner, or a social as part of the interview. When I went in for my accounting firm interview, my firm took me out to lunch. Many of the Big 4 accounting firms take you out to dinner and a social. In these situations, knowing good dining etiquette is a must. This article from Business Insider lists some rules of dining etiquette.
Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/rules-of-dining-etiquette-2012-4?op=1
Image source: http://etiquette-guide.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/business_dining_etiquette.jpg
A few good pointers, but a rather bizarre set of photos! Etiquette is culturally situated also, meaning that what is appropriate in one country is not necessarily appropriate in another country. One typically should not have elbows on the table, but in France, it would be impolite to have one's hands in his or her lap. In many countries influenced by Islamic tradition, eating should always be done with the right hand. The left hand is considered unclean. In Southern parts of India, banana leaves used for food should be folded over from the top at the end of mealtime. Folding them from the bottom is considered disrespectful. It's best to learn the etiquette of another culture BEFORE travel.